Vegan Tote Bag – Cruelty Free
Veganism is much more than a diet, it is a philosophy in the most practical sense of the word. It is a simple way of life, where one tries to be more in tune with our mother Earth, striving to achieve a Cruelty Free existence in the most possible way. But although the main reason for a lot of people to go vegan is about ethics and compassion, there are also environmental and health reasons involved. Therefore, we have much more to gain by switching to a non-cruel way of eating than by not doing it. Our friends the animals appreciate it, our bodies appreciate it and our Mother Earth also.
So Veganism has a primary value, it is simply that life-respecting compassion that overrides individual issues of custom, convenience, comfort or cuisine. We would like to participate in a vast network of like-minded people. As we grow in numbers, more and more the vegan way of life will be accepted and respected has a reality. By doing it, we will be able to set billions of sentient beings free from unnecessary suffering. It is up to us and it is our struggle.
Therefore, now it is time to show the world that we are unstoppable. It is about time for us to end this nonsense cruel way of living and save our planet from this dark exploitative mentality
The main rain forests are being cut down and we are messing up our ecosystem. As you may know, this is related to the industrial production of meat.
And finish it, is now becoming simply a matter of survival. The clock is ticking and there is no time to waste. Let´s unite in this cause and mash down this system that is killing our world. Let’s save our friends and lets lay down the foundations for a Cruelty Free World
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