Kitty wearing zodiac and secret society t-shirts!
Kitty is a beautiful model with wonderful camera presence. Her poses and confident facial expressions are really stunning and inspiring!
She sent us some pictures and we are really happy with the final results! Check it out below! 🙂
Short biography:
I am Kitty, 26 Years old and a model. I started modeling with 16 years old through a German
internet portal called Model-Kartei.
I always loved the art of photographs and I like to be a part of it. But the main reason why
I started modeling was to be creative, I like brainstorming for ideas, organizing the
clothes and being creative in crafting headdresses or stuff. I like big fantasy setups and
everything magical and mystical.
I don’t do it for the money i do it to be creative and to have fun, and beautiful pictures i
can show my grandchildren someday :)))
Kitty wearing our Zodiac T-shirt
Wearing our Secret Society tank top!
Social media:
Click below to see more info about Kitty!
[spb_accordion width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_accordion_tab title=”Model Measurements” accordion_id=”model-measurements” icon=””] [spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]
Height: 168cm
Weight: 55kg
BU : 83 cm
TA: 56 cm
HU: 89 cm
Cup : 75 B
Dress size : 34-36
Shoe Size: 39
Hair Color: copper red
Eye Color: Blue
Skin color: White
Tattoos: Cherry Blossom / shoulder , Moogle / wrist , Korean characters / upper arm inside ,
Leopard Print with Cat’s Paw on the hip bones
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+ Fashion Show – New clothes ! FH Hanover
+ Fashion Show RockXanne / Hanover
+ M3 Showcase 2013 Deborah Plumer
+ Fashion Show “Schwarzes Leipzig tanzt meets Fashion” – Steampunk Princess
+ Fashion Show Mera Luna 2013 Dekadenzia.Couture
+ Fashion Show Mera Luna 2014 BERON
+ Fashion Show Mera Luna 2015 Lily Cut
+ M3 Showcase 2015 Caroline Suchfordt
[/spb_text_block] [/spb_accordion_tab] [spb_accordion_tab title=”Shootings” accordion_id=”shootings” icon=””] [spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]
Björn Kahlert
Lisa Plettke
Doctor BoB
light images
Nico Jaekel
kostbar Fotografie
Florian Maul Photography
Pixadora Photography
[/spb_text_block] [/spb_accordion_tab] [spb_accordion_tab title=”Video” accordion_id=”video” icon=””] [spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]
+ Playlist for my Modeling on my Youtube Channel :
+ Video shoot for Holi Brunswick
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Thanks so much Kitty, for your lovely work! ♡
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